Linda Hollander, International Sponsor Expert, Survived the Poverty Trap and Abusive Relationships.
If she can do it, so can you.

Linda Hollander
Who is she?
- Sponsor & Business Expert
- Author of Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps
- Founder of Sponsor Secrets Seminar
- Professional Speaker
- Animal Lover
Linda Hollander is the industry leader in teaching people about sponsorship success
Linda Hollander has been featured by Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazines as the leading expert on corporate sponsorship. She is the author of the book, Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps: Get Funding from Sponsors, Even if You’re Just Starting Out. She is also the founder of Sponsor Concierge and the Sponsor Secrets Seminar.
She Started Out Worse Than Broke
She was buried in debt and couldn’t find a way out of the poverty trap. But that’s not what really bothered her. It was that she was short and had frizzy hair to boot.
Escaping the Poverty Trap and Abusive Relationships
Starting her business got her out of the poverty trap and abusive relationships. She was on a mission to teach other people how to start and succeed in their own small businesses, so she created the Women’s Small Business Expo. She needed money and that’s when she discovered the awesome power of sponsors.
Sponsors and Media
Her sponsors include Microsoft, Epson, Citibank, Fed Ex, American Airlines, Wells Fargo, Staples, Health Net, Marriott, Southwest Airlines, Dun and Bradstreet, Wal-Mart, Bank of America and IBM.
She has also been featured as an international sponsor expert on media including NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX Television, Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Forbes and Remarkable Women. She is the winner of the Rising Star and Caught in the Act of Excellence Awards.
Wealthy Bag Lady and Business Owner
One of her businesses was producing custom shopping bags and she became known as the “Wealthy Bag Lady”. She has over 20 years of experience as a small business owner and she is the only person to be featured in both Entrepreneur and Female Entrepreneur magazine in the same month.
Starting from the Kitchen Table
Working from her kitchen table with no experience, no audience, and no employees except for her cat, she got her first corporate sponsors, Bank of America, IBM and Wal Mart.
Fund Your Dreams with Sponsors
Everyone wanted to know how she got her sponsors, so she started Sponsor Concierge to help event producers, speakers, authors, show hosts, special projects, non-profits and influencers on how to fund their dreams.
She’s still short with frizzy hair. Hey, some things you just can’t change.
Linda Hollander owes her success to the wonderful people in her life: Her parents, Bob and Blossom Hollander, Rhoda and Howard Goldie and her best friend, Sheryl Felice. She lives in Los Angeles, California with her husband, Leslie Greenfield, and their various rescue cats.

Linda Hollander has been featured by Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazines as the leading expert on corporate sponsorship
She has over 20 years of experience as a business owner and does sponsorship consulting. Her clients and sponsors include Microsoft, Fed Ex, Citibank, Mattel, Bank of America, Disney, Marriott, Health Net, American Airlines, IBM, Staples and Wal Mart.

Speaking presentations are high-content, low-fluff and tailored to your event.
Topics include Top 5 Ways to Attract Corporate Sponsors, Wealthy Bag Lady 7 Success Secrets and New Clients Now.

Clients include Disney, Cisco Systems, Universal Studios, Nissan, Yamaha, Sony, Revlon, Sanyo Fisher, Avery Dennison, Columbia Tri Star, CBS, Gold’s Gym, City of Hope, Union Bank, ASCAP, Powerade, Kaiser Permanente, IBM, Edison, Variety, Mattel, Ocean Spray and Infiniti.

Family First
Linda Hollander owes her success to the wonderful people in her life:
Her parents, Bob and Blossom Hollander, Rhoda and Howard Goldie, and her best friend, Sheryl Felice.
She lives in Los Angeles California with her husband, Leslie Greenfield.

Author of Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps
Having written the book, Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps, she is a popular international speaker and can help you get corporate sponsors to fund your dreams.

Sponsor Expert
Sponsor Concierge helps you attract great corporate sponsors, so you can do what you love and have a company foot the bill.
Linda Hollander is the founder of the International Association of Business Sponsorships.

Founder of Sponsor Secrets Seminar Live
Founder of Sponsor Secrets Seminar Live Sponsor Secrets Seminar is a 3 day live event where you'll get sponsor-ready, create your sponsor action plan and meet the sponsors.

Charitable Giving: Junior Achievement
Part of the proceeds from Sponsor Concierge goes to our charitable partner, Junior Achievement, to help teach kids entrepreneurship.

Animal Lover
As the original Crazy Cat Lady, Linda Hollander adopted her rescue cat, Romana.